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Anglican Catholic Seminary of Saint Peter & Saint Paul

A Seminary offering a comprehensive orthodox Anglican curriculum of theological studies, based at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.  Also providing 'at distance study' programs.


Classic Theological Studies for men desiring ordination, strong priestly formation in Anglican Liturgy and Practice with practicum year in the mission field.  The seminary is designed to equip clergy to serve God in the Provinces of the Anglican Catholic Church.

  • Year 1 -  Holy Scripture; Church History;  Christian Apologetics; Comparative Religions; Anglican Liturgy and Practice; Homiletics, Evangelism and Church Growth; Church Music.
  • Year 2 - Practicum in missionary service with 'at distance' studies in Moral Theology and Christian Ethics; and Pastoral Theology.
  • Year 3 - Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Polity;  Dogmatic, Systematic and Patristic Theology, Ascetical and Mystical Theology, Liturgical Theology.
  • The 'at distance' studies program is presently taking applications from qualified aspirants and postulants.